Art Journaling, Quilting, and Whatever else Strikes my Fancy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rip it!

(Torn card stock and clippings from an old calendar)

I had faced an art journaling flop, and it wasn't nearly as horrifying as I anticipated.  Thus signifying that I could conquer the world! This revelation led me to think about using other mediums other than just paint.  Don't get me wrong painting is a blast, but I wanted a break from digging it out from under my fingernails.  Seriously, I don't know how it gets in there and takes up residence, but when it does it is hard to evict. 

I decided to play around with some card stock that was originally intended to be used in a scrapbooking project.  So I ripped out a few pages that struck my fancy and began tearing the paper every which way. Once I had unleashed all my pent up hostility on the card stock.  I laid the pieces out in a hodgepodge fashion.  I didn't put too much thought into this.  What it basically boiled down to was slapping some glue on the back and sticking it in a vacant space on the page.

When I finished this I was quite pleased with my handiwork, but I felt it needed more.  I had noticed in some of the examples that Ludwig provides there was a hint of text.  So I began the hunt for written words, I finally came across an old shoe calendar I had and in it was a mini-introduction.  It was perfect.  But then I know what would be more perfect?  Add one of the shoes!  I was a genius.  I spent the next half an hour rummaging through the calendar to find the proper shoe.  I had lots of choices, but I finally chose one with a nice color and gigantic purple flower.  One can never go wrong with a gigantic purple flower.

I pasted my new loot on to the page and voila- Art!  It was so much easier than I thought it would be.  I couldn't wait to try something else!!

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